Minutes of the Baptist Conferences of Georgia
Collection — Box: 1-43
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0094
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- Box 43
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- Atlanta Missionary Baptist Association, 1909-1953 3
- General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, 1915-1968 3
- Cabin Creek Baptist Association, 1912-1955 2
- Camilla Baptist Association, 1905-1936 2
- First Flint River Missionary Baptist Association, 1912-1953 2
- Friendship Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1943 2
- General State Baptist Convention of Georgia, 1904-1914 2
- Great Eastern District Baptist Sunday School, 1918-1927 2
- Hopewell Baptist Association, 1916-1953 2
- Hopewell Baptist Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. Convention, 1919-1930 2
- Kennesaw Baptist Association, 1915-1953 2
- Middle Georgia Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1934 2
- Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, 1893-1914 2
- Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Association, 1918-1955 2
- New Home Missionary Baptist Association, 1913-1948 2
- North Georgia General Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1948 2
- Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Association, 1918-1954 2
- Progressive Missionary Baptist Association and Its Auxiliaries, 1922-1928 2
- Rehoboth Baptist Association, 1913-1931 2
- Second Flint River Missionary Baptist Association, 1913-1933 2
- Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1953 2
- Shiloh Missionary Baptist Association, 1915-1945 2
- South Georgia Missionary Baptist Association (Formerly Macedonia and New Bryant Association), 1922-1952 2
- St. Luke Missionary Baptist Association, 1917-1934 2
- Thomasville Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1946 2
- Antioch Missionary Baptist Association, 1918-1929 1
- Atlanta District Baptist Youth People's Union and Sunday School Convention, 1916-1930 1
- Benevolence Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1927 1
- Berean Baptist Association, 1915-1942 1
- Berean Baptist Sunday School Convention, 1915-1931 1
- Bethesda Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1942 1
- Big Bethel Missionary Baptist Association, 1917-1928 1
- Blue Spring Baptist Association, Thirty-first Annual Session, Bright Morning Star Baptist Church, Worth County, Georgia, 1926 October 7-10 1
- Bowen East Association, 1920, 1928 1
- Buckeye Missionary Baptist Association, 1918, 1925 1
- Building Union Missionary Baptist Association, 1923-1928 1
- Cabin Creek Baptist District Sunday School Convention, 1916-1929 1
- Camilla Baptist Sunday School Convention, 1909-1916 1
- Camilla Baptist Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. Convention, 1920, 1924 1
- Cane Creek Baptist Association, 1931-1956 1
- Cane Creek Baptist District Sunday School Convention, First Session, New Hope Baptist Church and Sunday School, Griffin, Spalding County, Georgia, 1931 June 24-26 1
- Carrollton Union Baptist Association, 1915-1950 1
- Carrollton Union Baptist Sunday School Convention, 1914-1942 1
- Central Baptist Sunday School Convention, Thirtieth Annual Session, Forest Hill Baptist Church, Burke County, Georgia, 1916 September 15-17 1
- Central Georgia Missionary Baptist Association, 1930-1948 1
- Central Georgia Missionary Baptist Sunday School Convention, Nineteenth Annual Session, Travelers Home Sunday School, Oglethorpe, Georgia, 1929 June 28-30 1
- Central Western Baptist Association, Sixteenth Annual Session, Sardis Church, Carroll County, Georgia, 1900 October 6-8 1
- Chattahoochee River Baptist Association, 1918-1929 1
- Chattahoochee River Baptist Sunday School Convention, Twenty-ninth Annual Session, St. Luke Baptist Church, Fort Gaines, Georgia, 1929 July 25-28 1
- Chattahoochee River Missionary Baptist Association, 1919-1950 1
- Columbia Union Sunday Convention, 1926-1932 1
- Columbus Georgia Missionary Baptist Association, 1922-1938 1
- Covenant Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1942 1
- Douglas Union Missionary Baptist Association, First Annual Session, Welcome Baptist Church, Douglas, Georgia, 1917 October 26-28 1
- Eureka Missionary Baptist Association, First Annual Session, Evergreen Baptist Church, Savannah, Georgia, 1928 July 14 1
- First North Georgia Baptist Association, 1931-1952 1
- First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Association, 1946-1953 1
- Fowltown Missionary Baptist Association, 1941-1943 1
- Frank Cooper Promissory Convention, Thirty-ninth Annual Session, Phillip Grove Baptist Church, Garfield, Georgia, 1917 September 7-9 1
- Frank Cooper Rock Bottom Missionary Baptist Association, 1917-1923 1
- Friendship Baptist Association, 1920-1922 1
- Friendship Baptist Sunday School Convention, 1916-1917 1
- Friendship Missionary Baptist Association of Georgia, 1916, 1942 1
- Friendship Missionary Baptist Sunday School Convention, 1918-1930 1
- General Missionary Baptist Sunday School Convention of Georgia, 1918, 1925 1
- General State Sunday School Workers' Convention of Georgia, 1912-1916 1
- Georgia Central Missionary Baptist Association, Twenty-ninth Annual Session, Springhill Baptist Church, Houston County, Georgia, 1917 October 3-5 1
- Georgia Union Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1929 1
- Grady Baptist Sunday School Convention, Eighth Annual Session, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, Cairo, Georgia, 1913 July 18-20 1
- Great Eastern Missionary Baptist Association, 1915-1944 1
- Green Branch Missionary Baptist Association, 1922-1923, 1925 1
- Gum Creek Missionary Baptist Association, 1916-1947 1
- Hancock Missionary Baptist Association, 1917-1926 1
- Harris Union Baptist Association, 1899-1900, 1902 1
- Harrison Union Missionary Baptist Association, 1904-1926 1
- Home Mission Baptist Association, 1919-1936 1
- Hopewell Baptist Sunday School Convention, Sixtieth Annual Session, Zion Baptist Sunday School, Chamblee, Georgia, circa 1896 1
- Hopewell New Prospect Missionary Baptist Association, 1918-1924 1
- Jeruel Baptist Association, 1919-1943 1
- Jeruel Baptist Missionary Sunday School Convention, 1919-1926 1
- Kennesaw Baptist Sunday School Workers Convention, 1932-1933 1
- Little River Missionary Baptist Association, 1930-1948 1
- Macedonia Baptist Association, Thirty-ninth Annual Session, Trinity Baptist Church, Boston, Georgia, 1916 October 1
- Macedonia Baptist Sunday School Convention, 1916-1917 1
- Macedonia Missionary Baptist Association, First Annual Session, Macedonia Baptist Church, Smithville, Georgia, 1917 October 4-7 1
- Madison Baptist Association Sunday School Missionary and Education Convention, 1916-1929 1
- Madison Baptist Association, 1916-1946 1
- Missionary Baptist Sunday School Association, 1917, 1922 1
- Montgomery Baptist Sunday School Convention, Seventeenth Annual Session, First A.B. Sunday School, Baxley, Georgia, 1916 July 27-30 1
- Montgomery Missionary Baptist Association, 1917-1943 1
- Montgomery Missionary Baptist Sunday School Convention, Twenty-ninth Annual Session, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Sunday School, Lumber City, Georgia, 1928 August 31-September 2 1
- Mt. Airy Baptist Association, Fourth Session, Thankful Baptist Church, Younkers, Georgia, 1917 October 30 1
- Mt. Carmel Association Missionary Baptist Sunday School Convention, 1917, 1919 1
- Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist Association, 1917-1936 1
- Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist District Sunday School Convention, 1923, 1932 1
- Mt. Herman Baptist Association, Seventh Annual Session, First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, 1947 October 1
- Mt. Herman Missionary Baptist Association, Thirteenth Annual Session, Edgefield Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Georgia, 1952 October 23 1
- Mt. Hope Baptist Association, 1916-1918 1
- Mt. Moriah Baptist Association, 1942-1943 1
- Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Association, 1933, 1937 1 + ∧ less
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Cite as: Minutes of the Baptist Conferences of Georgia. Archives Research Center. Robert W. Woodruff Library at Atlanta University Center.
Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
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Atlanta, GA 30314
Phone: 404-978-2000
111 James P. Brawley Drive SW
Atlanta, GA 30314
Phone: 404-978-2000