Showing Collections: 31 - 32 of 32
Mary Ann Smith Wilson - Ruby Doris Smith Robinson collection on student activism
Collection — Box: 1-4
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0078
Scope note
The Mary Ann Smith Wilson - Ruby Doris Smith Robinson Collection on Student Activism spans the dates 1948-2008 with the bulk of the material dated 1960-1967. The collection documents both Ruby Doris Smith Robinson's and Mary Ann Smith Wilson's participation in the civil rights movement and the organizations with which they were affiliated. Although the collection documents both sisters activities, the bulk of the collection reflects Ruby Doris Smith Robinson’s activism activities in the...
1942-2008; Majority of material found within 1960 - 1967
Pauline A. Young papers
Collection — Box: 1-16
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0063
Scope and contents
The Pauline A. Young Papers document her life as an educator and civil rights and community activist in Wilmington, Delaware. The collection totals 12 linear feet and spans the period 1920 to 1991. The papers include biographical information about her and her family, materials on her career as a librarian and teacher, and documentation about her civic and community activities. The collection consists of correspondence, news articles, programs, reports, a few photographs and several...
Filtered By
- Subject: African Americans--Civil rights X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Race relations 13
- African Americans--Education 12
- African Americans -- Economic conditions 10
- African Americans -- Politics and government 10
- African Americans -- Segregation 9
- African Americans--Religion 9
- Race discrimination 9
- African American press 8
- African Americans--Georgia--Atlanta 8
- African Americans--Social conditions 8
- African American student movements 7
- Black power 6
- Communism--United States. 6
- Labor 6
- Nobel Prizes 6
- Vietnam War (1961-1975) 6
- African Americans -- Housing 5
- Crime 5
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Correspondence. 5
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Oratory. 5
- Poor People’s Campaign. 5
- Voter registration 5
- African American women 4
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Public appearances. 4
- Passive resistance. 4
- Publications 4
- Records and correspondence 4
- Riots. 4
- Slums. 4
- African American Baptists 3
- African American business enterprises 3
- African American educators 3
- African American universities and colleges 3
- Apartheid 3
- Ephemera 3
- Georgia 3
- Illinois--Chicago 3
- Africa 2
- African American arts 2
- African American authors 2
- African American civic leaders 2
- African American newspapers 2
- African American periodicals 2
- African American scholars 2
- African Americans -- Employment 2
- Alabama--Montgomery 2
- Community development 2
- Education--Religion 2
- Georgia--Atlanta 2
- Mississippi 2
- Nonviolence. 2
- North Carolina 2
- School integration 2
- Theology 2
- Abolitionists 1
- African American Muslims 1
- African American Pentecostals 1
- African American scientists 1
- African Americans--Music 1
- Alabama 1
- Alabama -- Birmingham 1
- Ancient philosophy 1
- Arkansas 1
- Atlanta Public Schools 1
- Books of the Bible 1
- Committees 1
- Ebony (Chicago, Ill.) 1
- Florida 1
- Florida -- Tallahassee 1
- Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948--Philosophy. 1
- Georgia -- Albany 1
- Georgia--Savannah 1
- Hate mail. 1
- Hunger--United States. 1
- India 1
- Israel 1
- Judaism--United States. 1
- Judges 1
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Philosophy. 1
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Political and social views. 1
- Lawyers 1
- Louisiana 1
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 1
- Maryland--Baltimore 1
- Massachusetts -- Boston 1
- Missouri--St. Louis 1
- Montgomery Bus Boycott, Montgomery, Ala., 1955-1956. 1
- Montgomery Improvement Association--Fund raising. 1
- New York (State)--New York 1
- Nobel prize winners. 1
- North Carolina--Durham County 1
- Nuclear energy. 1
- Nutrition--United States. 1
- Pacifism--Religious aspects--Christianity. 1
- Pacifism--Religious aspects--Judaism. 1
- Pennsylvania--Philadelphia 1
- Pittsburgh courier 1
- Playboy interviews. 1
- Political cartoons 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 12
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 10
- King, Coretta Scott, 1927-2006 8
- Morehouse College (Atlanta, Ga.) 8
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference 7
- Southern Regional Council 5
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.) 5
- Abernathy, Ralph 4
- Atlanta University 4
- Congress of Racial Equality 4
- National Urban League 4
- United States. Congress. House 4
- United States. Congress. Senate 4
- American Friends Service Committee 3
- Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 3
- Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam (U.S.) 3
- Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) 3
- Mays, Benjamin E. (Benjamin Elijah), 1894-1984 3
- McDonald, Dora E., 1925-2007 3
- Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 1908-1972 3
- Southern Conference Educational Fund 3
- Spelman College 3
- Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago 2
- Atlanta Community Relations Commission 2
- Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library 2
- Baker, Josephine, 1906-1975 2
- Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson), 1904-1971 2
- Citizens’ Crusade Against Poverty 2
- Clark, Septima Poinsette, 1898-1987 2
- Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Montgomery, Ala.) 2
- Eskridge, Chauncey, 1917-1988 2
- Highlander Folk School (Monteagle, Tenn.) 2
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB. (Nicholas deBellville), 1922- 2
- Lewis, John, 1940-2020 2
- Lowery, Joseph E. 2
- Morris Brown College 2
- National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (U.S.) 2
- National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America 2
- Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 2
- Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889-1979 2
- Rustin, Bayard, 1912-1987 2
- Smith, Lillian (Lillian Eugenia), 1897-1966 2
- United States. Office of Economic Opportunity 2
- United States. Office of the Vice President 2
- Voter Education Project, Inc. (Atlanta, Ga.) 2
- Wachtel, Harry H., 1917-1997 2
- Wheeler, John H (John Hervey) 2
- Wofford, Harris 2
- Young, Andrew, 1932- 2
- A. Philip Randolph Institute 1
- Aaron, Hank, 1934-2021 1
- Adams, Myron W. (Myron Winslow), 1860-1939 1
- Al-Amin, Jamil, 1943- 1
- Albert, Carl Bert, 1908-2000 1
- Alexander, Clifford L., 1933- 1
- Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016 1
- Allen, Ivan, 1911-2003 1
- Allen, Steve, 1921-2000 1
- American Civil Liberties Union 1
- American Committee on Africa 1
- American Federation of Labor 1
- American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa 1
- American Newspaper Guild 1
- Anderson, Trezzvant W. 1
- Arrington, Marvin S. 1
- Ashman, Richard 1
- Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History 1
- Atlanta (Ga.). City Council 1
- Atlanta Inquirer 1
- Atlanta Regional Commission 1
- Atlanta Urban League 1
- Bacote, Clarence A., 1906-1981 1
- Baez, Joan 1
- Banta, Lucille 1
- Barry, Marion, 1936-2014 1
- Belafonte, Harry, 1927- 1
- Bell, Colin W., 1903-1988 1
- Ben-Gurion, David, 1886-1973 1
- Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936-2008 1
- Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Atlanta, Ga.) 1
- Blackwell, Randolph T., 1927-1981 1
- Boone, Richard W. (Richard Wolf), 1927-2014 1
- Booth, L. Venchael, 1919- 1
- Borders, William Holmes, 1905-1993 1
- Bowles, Chester, 1901-1986 1
- Boyte, Harry G., 1911-1977 1
- Braden, Anne, 1924-2006 1
- Braden, Carl, 1914-1975 1
- Branton, Wiley Austin, 1923-1988 1
- Brazeal, Aurelia Erskine (Rea) 1
- Brazeal, Brailsford R. 1
- Brazeal, Ernestine Erskine 1
- Brazeal, Ernestine Walton 1
- Brest, Archie 1
- Brown, Ed 1
- Brown, Edmund G. (Edmund Gerald), 1905-1996 1
- Bumstead, Horace, 1841-1919 1
- Butler Street YMCA (Atlanta, Ga.) 1
- Calhoun, John H. 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- German 4
- French 3
- Spanish; Castilian 2
- Czech 1
- Italian 1
∨ more
∨ more
Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
111 James P. Brawley Drive SW
Atlanta, GA 30314
Phone: 404-978-2000
111 James P. Brawley Drive SW
Atlanta, GA 30314
Phone: 404-978-2000