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Correspondence, 1957-1970

Identifier: Subseries 6.2

Scope and Contents of the Collection

From the Collection:

The series is comprised of papers about the administrative, social and programmatic functions of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), including planning documents related to SCLC annual meetings, conferences and staff retreats; SCLC divisions Operation Breadbasket, the Citizen Education Project (CEP), the Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam and the Summer Community Organization and Political Education Project (SCOPE);... projects in Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma and Wilcox County, Alabama, St. Augustine, Florida, Chicago, Illinois, Cleveland, Ohio, Atlanta and Albany, Georgia; the Meredith Mississippi March; the Pacem in Terris II conference; the People to People Tour; Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize and the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Items related directly to the organization of SCLC include correspondence and memoranda; personnel records; financial records; mail and telephone logs; travel and office policy documents. There are eighteen stenographer’s notebooks containing shorthand notes written primarily by Dora E. McDonald. The series also includes printed material produced by SCLC and other related organizations.

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  • Creation: 1957-1970

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Materials are in English.

Physical Description

3.5 linear feet

Restrictions on Access

Access is restricted to digital surrogates available in the Archives and Special Collections Department of the Robert W. Woodruff Library.


From the Series: 14 Linear feet

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