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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 71

Morehouse College Martin Luther King, Jr. Collection: Subseries 1.1: Correspondence: General L-R

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0131c
Scope and Contents of the Subseries The subseries contains correspondence between Martin Luther King, Jr. and various individuals and organizations from 1950 to 1968. There are letters, telegrams, greeting cards, carbon copies, postcards, invitations, and hate mail. The correspondence is primarily professional often accompanied by enclosures, with few personal letters. Among the topics discussed are civil rights, discrimination, SCLC activities, politics, equal employment, education, housing, passive resistance, poverty,...
Dates: 1950-1968

Morehouse College Martin Luther King, Jr. Collection: Subseries 1.1: Correspondence: General S-Z

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0131d
Scope and Contents of the Subseries The subseries contains correspondence between Martin Luther King, Jr. and various individuals and organizations from 1953 to 1968. There are letters, telegrams, greeting cards, carbon copies, postcards, invitations, and hate mail. The correspondence is primarily professional often accompanied by enclosures, with few personal letters. Among the topics discussed are civil rights, discrimination, SCLC activities, politics, equal...
Dates: 1936-1968

Morehouse College Printed and Published Materials

Identifier: 0000-0000-000-0006
Scope and contents

This collection contains publications by Morehouse College and the students of Morehouse College. Materials span the dates of 1890-2016 with the bulk of the collection dating from 1926 to 2000. It includes the catalogs and bulletins, student handbooks called the “M” or The Companion, the Alumnus or the Morehouse College Bulletin and the Morehouse Journal of Science. The Torch (yearbook), the Maroon Tiger (student newspapers), and newsletters also make up a portion of the collection.

Dates: 1892-2005

Morehouse College Vertical Files

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-00141
Scope and contents

The Morehouse College Vertical Files include Commencement programs, Founder’s Day programs, Publications, News Releases, News Articles, Brochures, Alumni Association Materials, Athletics, Academic Departments, various organizations, Homecoming, Honors Day, Campus Buildings, Reports, and other Academic materials.

Dates: 1883 - 2018; Majority of material found within 1960 - 1980

Morris Brown College Printed and Published Materials

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0007
Scope and contents

This collection contains the printed and published material produced by Morris Brown Collection.

Dates: 1889-2002

Josephine Dibble Murphy collection

 Collection — Box: 1-28
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0101
Scope note The collection documents the life of Josephine Dibble Murphy as a community leader, educator and international traveler. The collection dates span the years from 1900 to 1974 with the bulk of the materials from 1950-1974. The bulk of the materials consist of organizations that she was affiliated with, which includes her work with the Atlanta University Alumni Association, NAACP and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Also included are correspondence, photographs,...
Dates: 1900-1976; Majority of material found within 1950 - 1974

National Conference of Black Political Scientists records

 Collection — Box: 1-28, OS 1
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0142
Scope and contents This collection contains materials related to the activities of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPS) since its establishment in 1969. It includes correspondence such as, memos, faxes, and emails. The collection also contain materials related to the organization of NCOBPS including, copies of the constitution and bylaws, articles of incorporation, and materials from executive council and business meetings such as minutes and reports. In addition, the...
Dates: 1969-2014; Majority of material found within 1980-2014

Neighborhood Union collection

 Collection — Box: 1-15
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0050
Scope and Content The records of the Neighborhood Union Collection include correspondence, speeches, financial reports, minutes, committee reports, news clippings, programs, photographs, scrapbooks and additional memorbilia preserving a rich legacy and history of one of the earliest private social welfare organizations founded by African American women in Atlanta. The collection reveals much about its founder, Lugenia Burns Hope and the interrelationships of social service agencies and pioneers in this field...
Dates: 1908-1961

Robert E. Penn collection

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0143
Scope and Contents This collection contains the papers and collected materials of the Reverend Robert E. Penn, a Baptist minister and educator. The collection dates span the years from 1930-1976. The bulk of the collection dates from 1965 to 1976, and document Penn’s life and work as a pastor and educator. The collection includes materials related to the American Baptist Churches, USA, and Penn’s church, the First Baptist Church of Gary, Indiana, which he led for almost twenty years. Of note relating to his...
Dates: Majority of material found in 1930-1976

Lemoine DeLeaver Pierce papers

 Collection — Box: 1-64
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0082
Scope and contents This collection of personal papers provides insight about Lemoine A. DeLeaver Pierce, Professor of Legal Studies and cultural historian. Pierce is a teacher whose commitment to life long learning stems from a continuing need to supplement her formal education, and a long standing family commitment to education. Professor Pierce has taught at: Kennesaw State University, the Keller Graduate School of Management, Morris Brown College, Clark Atlanta University, and the J. Mack Robinson...
Dates: 1928-2007; Majority of material found within 1951 - 2002

Filtered By

  • Subject: African Americans--Education X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center, Inc. 47
AUC Institutional Records 21
Morehouse College Archives 3
African American universities and colleges 30
African American educators 20
African Americans--Religion 16
African Americans--Georgia--Atlanta 13
African American scholars 12
∨ more
African Americans--Civil rights 12
African American women 11
African Americans--Social conditions 10
Race relations 10
African Americans -- Politics and government 9
African American Baptists 7
African Americans -- Economic conditions 7
Education--Religion 7
Publications 7
African American student movements 6
Black power 6
Race discrimination 6
African American authors 5
African American press 5
African American students 5
African Americans -- Segregation 5
Labor 5
Voter registration 5
African American arts 4
African Americans -- Housing 4
Communism--United States. 4
Crime 4
Ephemera 4
Georgia 4
Georgia--Atlanta 4
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Correspondence. 4
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Oratory. 4
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Public appearances. 4
Nobel Prizes 4
Passive resistance. 4
Poor People’s Campaign. 4
Records and correspondence 4
Vietnam War (1961-1975) 4
Women--Societies and clubs 4
Apartheid 3
Methodist Church 3
Pan-Africanism 3
Riots. 3
School integration 3
Slums. 3
Theology 3
Africa 2
African American athletes 2
African American civic leaders 2
African American clergy 2
African American librarians 2
African American periodicals 2
African American scientists 2
African Americans--Music 2
African Methodist Episcopal Church 2
Black and African American Studies 2
Christianity 2
Community development 2
Guinea (Region) 2
Guyana -- History 2
Illinois--Chicago 2
Marxian historiography 2
Political activists -- Guyana 2
Social service 2
Socialism 2
African American Pentecostals 1
African American Presbyterians 1
African American business enterprises 1
African American newspapers 1
African American political scientists 1
African American psychologists 1
African American social workers 1
African American sociologists 1
African American soldiers 1
African American women social reformers 1
African Americans -- Employment 1
Associations, institutions, etc. 1
Atlanta Public Schools 1
College Presidents 1
Committees 1
Conflict management -- Study and Teaching 1
Dispute Resolution (Law) 1
Ebony (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. 1
English language. 1
French language 1
Ghana 1
Greek letter societies 1
Hate mail. 1
Judges 1
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 -- Religion. 1
Law -- Study and Teaching 1
Lawyers 1
Library education 1
Literacy. 1
Louisiana 1
Lynching 1
Manners and customs 1
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 1
+ ∧ less
Atlanta University 12
Morehouse College (Atlanta, Ga.) 10
Interdenominational Theological Center (Atlanta, Ga.) 9
Clark College 6
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 6
∨ more
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 6
American Missionary Association 4
Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library 4
Clark Atlanta University 4
King, Coretta Scott, 1927-2006 4
Southern Christian Leadership Conference 4
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.) 4
United States. Congress. House 4
United States. Congress. Senate 4
Adams, Myron W. (Myron Winslow), 1860-1939 3
American Friends Service Committee 3
Congress of Racial Equality 3
DuBois, W.E.B. (William Edward Burghardt), a. 3
McDonald, Dora E., 1925-2007 3
Morris Brown College 3
National Urban League 3
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 1908-1972 3
Spelman College 3
United Methodist Church (U.S.) 3
Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago 2
Atlanta Community Relations Commission 2
Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 2
Bumstead, Horace, 1841-1919 2
Citizens’ Crusade Against Poverty 2
Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam (U.S.) 2
Crozer Theological Seminary 2
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Montgomery, Ala.) 2
Eskridge, Chauncey, 1917-1988 2
Gammon Theological Seminary 2
Gloster, Hugh M. (Hugh Morris), 1911-2002 2
Harvard University 2
Hilliard, Asa G., III 2
Hope, John 2
Hope, Lugenia Burns 2
Mays, Benjamin E. (Benjamin Elijah), 1894-1984 2
Methodist Church (U.S.) 2
Methodist Church. Central Jursidiction 2
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (U.S.) 2
Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889-1979 2
Rodney, Walter 2
Southern Conference Educational Fund 2
Southern Regional Council 2
Taylor, Gardner C. 2
Towns, George A. (George Alexander), 1870-1960 2
United Methodist Church (U.S.). Board of Education 2
United Negro College Fund 2
United States. Office of Economic Opportunity 2
United States. Office of the Vice President 2
University of West Indies (Mona, Jamaica) 2
Wachtel, Harry H., 1917-1997 2
Ware, Edward Twichell, 1874-1927 2
Working People's Alliance Guyana 2
Young, Andrew, 1932- 2
Abernathy, Ralph 1
Adams, Frankie V., 1902-1979 1
Al-Amin, Jamil, 1943- 1
Albert, Carl Bert, 1908-2000 1
Alexander, Clifford L., 1933- 1
Alexander, Jim 1
Ali, Muhammad, 1942-2016 1
Allen, Ivan, 1911-2003 1
Allen, Steve, 1921-2000 1
Alston, Charles, 1907-1977 1
American Civil Liberties Union 1
American Committee on Africa 1
American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa 1
Arrington, Marvin S. 1
Ashman, Richard 1
Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History 1
Association of Teachers of Language in Negro Colleges 1
Atlanta University. School of Social Work. 1
Ayer, Frederick 1
Bacote, Clarence A., 1906-1981 1
Baez, Joan 1
Baker, Josephine, 1906-1975 1
Banta, Lucille 1
Barnard College 1
Barry, Marion, 1936-2014 1
Belafonte, Harry, 1927- 1
Bell, Colin W., 1903-1988 1
Ben-Gurion, David, 1886-1973 1
Berlitz Schools of Languages in America 1
Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936-2008 1
Blackwell, Randolph T., 1927-1981 1
Bolden, Wiley S. 1
Boone, Richard W. (Richard Wolf), 1927-2014 1
Booth, L. Venchael, 1919- 1
Borders, William Holmes, 1905-1993 1
Bowles, Chester, 1901-1986 1
Boyte, Harry G., 1911-1977 1
Braden, Anne, 1924-2006 1
Braden, Carl, 1914-1975 1
Brawley, James P. 1
Brazeal, Aurelia Erskine (Rea) 1
+ ∧ less
French 5
German 4
Spanish; Castilian 2
Czech 1
Italian 1