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Showing Collections: 171 - 180 of 191

Spelman College Printed and Published Materials

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0008
Scope and contents This collection contains printed and published materials created by Spelman Seminary and Spelman College. It includes the catalogs and bulletins, the student published magazine, Campus Mirror, the alumnae magazine, The Spelman Messenger, and a quarterly, Inside Spelman. It also includes other publications such as copies of the yearbook, Reflections, the student handbook, and the student...
Dates: 1883-2012; Majority of material found within 1923-1998

Spelman Independent Scholars Oral History project

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0167
Scope and contents

The Spelman Independent Scholars Oral History Collection consists of interviews Young Scholars conducted with African American Women of Wisdom. The collection includes the images, interviews transcripts, audio, and video compiled by students during the two-semester long course.

Dates: 2003-2016

Gardner C. Taylor collection

 Collection — Box: 1-47
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0088
Scope and contents In 2008 Reverend Gardner Taylor donated his collection of writings to the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center. Rev. Taylor made this gift in honor of his late wife Laura Taylor, (b.1916, d.1995) who initially collected and compiled his writings into notebooks....
Dates: 1947-2001; Majority of material found within 1950 - 1970

Ted Stanley Conservation Printed and Published Collection

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0182
Scope and Contents The Ted Stanley Conservation Printed and Published Collection spans from 1966-2017 with the bulk of the material dated from 2000-2017. The collection includes various jounrals and books on conservation. Most of the journals were published by the American Instituion for Conservation (AIC) including the AIC Abstracts, The Book and Paper Group Annual and the Journal of American Instituion for Conservation. Most of the books that are in this collection talk about conservation methods but it...
Dates: 1993 - 2017

Levi and Jewell Terrill Collection

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0140
Scope and Contents This collection contains the papers and collected materials of the Reverend Levi Maurese Terrill and his wife Jewell Ann (Middlebrooks) Terrill, leaders in the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia (GMBCGA) and later in the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. (NBCUSA) The majority of the collection consists of items related to the organizations that Terrill was associated with, documenting the various programs and associations of the GMBCGA. Terrill’s personal materials contain...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1883 - 1976

The American Business Women’s Association: The Golden Dome Chapter Records

 Collection — Box: 1-3
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0269
Scope and contents The report series consists of report booklets that detail meeting agendas and minutes, financial statements, features in newspapers and newsletters such as Connect, The Atlanta Voice, and A Women in Business Chapter Newsletter. Of particular note, are notable influential guest speakers at each meeting, event flyers, organization rules, calendars, job calls, career tips, resume examples, educational scholarship applications, Chapter Award nomination applications, and various poems written by...
Dates: 1983-1995

The Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0255
Scope and contents


Dates: 1930-1942

The CAU Guild Records, 1992-2023

 Collection — Box: 1-8
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0180
Scope and contents The CAU Guild Research Library records contain meeting minutes, financial records, correspondence, contracts, programs, commemorative journals, memorabilia, photographs, and digital records. Also featured in this collection are planning records for the CAU Guild events such as the CAU Philharmonic Society’s Annual Christmas Concerts, Annual Clothing Drives, and the CAU Guild’s Scholars Program. Of special note, are the programs and contracts from the CAU Guild’s yearly Jazz Under the Stars...
Dates: 1992 - 2023

The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection

Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0199
Content Description

The Joseph Echols and Evelyn Gibson Lowery Collection, circa 1900-2019, 1950-2013 (bulk), consists of correspondence, personal papers, and writings of Joseph E. Lowery and Evelyn G. Lowery; Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) records; SCLC/Women’s Organizational Movement for Equality Now (SCLC/W.O.M.E.N.) records; subject and research files; printed and published material including SCLC Magazines and newspapers; memorabilia; photographs; and audio/video recordings.

Dates: circa 1900-2019; Majority of material found within 1950 - 2013

The Moles, Inc. collection

 Collection — Box: 1-18
Identifier: 0000-0000-0000-0064
Scope and contents

This archival collection on The Moles, Inc. provides some insight into their social activities and their contributions to the African American community. The collection includes minutes of meetings, programs, reports, invitations, and photographs. There are also copies of "Molerama", the organizations' magazine that is published annually.

Dates: 1955-2010; Majority of material found within 1955 - 2010

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center, Inc. 158
AUC Institutional Records 25
Morehouse College Archives 8
African Americans--Education 71
African American universities and colleges 46
African Americans--Religion 33
African Americans--Civil rights 32
African Americans--Georgia--Atlanta 31
∨ more
African American educators 27
African Americans -- Politics and government 23
Race relations 20
African American women 19
African Americans--Social conditions 18
African American scholars 17
African American authors 15
African American arts 14
African Americans -- Economic conditions 13
African American Baptists 11
African American press 11
African American student movements 10
African Americans -- Segregation 10
Georgia 10
Race discrimination 10
African American business enterprises 9
Black power 9
African American civic leaders 8
African American clergy 8
African American students 8
African Americans--Music 8
Crime 8
Education--Religion 8
Georgia--Atlanta 8
Publications 8
Records and correspondence 8
Voter registration 8
African Americans -- Housing 7
Communism--United States. 7
Labor 7
Nobel Prizes 7
Vietnam War (1961-1975) 6
Women--Societies and clubs 6
African Methodist Episcopal Church 5
Alabama--Montgomery 5
Illinois--Chicago 5
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Correspondence. 5
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Oratory. 5
Methodist Church 5
Poor People’s Campaign. 5
Schools. 5
Theology 5
Africa 4
African American Pentecostals 4
African American librarians 4
African American periodicals 4
Apartheid 4
Black and African American Studies 4
College Presidents 4
Community development 4
Ephemera 4
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Public appearances. 4
Mississippi 4
News 4
North Carolina 4
Passive resistance. 4
Riots. 4
Sheet music 4
Slums. 4
Abolitionists 3
African American Presbyterians 3
African American athletes 3
African American newspapers 3
African American poets 3
African American scientists 3
African American sociologists 3
African American soldiers 3
African Americans -- Employment 3
Alabama -- Birmingham 3
Budget 3
Committees 3
Florida 3
Greek letter societies 3
New York (State)--New York 3
Olympics 3
Pan-Africanism 3
School integration 3
Slavery 3
South Carolina 3
Affirmative action programs 2
African American Muslims 2
African American families 2
African American pioneers 2
Associations, institutions, etc. 2
Christianity 2
French language 2
Georgia -- Albany 2
Guinea (Region) 2
Guyana -- History 2
Income tax. 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Death and burial. 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968--Religion. 2
Library education 2
Louisiana 2
Lynching 2
+ ∧ less
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 29
Morehouse College (Atlanta, Ga.) 18
Atlanta University 17
King, Coretta Scott, 1927-2006 15
Clark College 13
∨ more
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 12
Interdenominational Theological Center (Atlanta, Ga.) 10
Abernathy, Ralph 9
Southern Christian Leadership Conference 9
Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library 8
Jackson, Maynard Holbrook Jr. 8
Clark Atlanta University 7
Mays, Benjamin E. (Benjamin Elijah), 1894-1984 7
Spelman College 7
Young, Andrew, 1932- 7
Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 6
Gloster, Hugh M. (Hugh Morris), 1911-2002 6
National Urban League 6
Office of Mayor, Atlanta, Georgia 6
Southern Regional Council 6
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (U.S.) 6
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Montgomery, Ala.) 5
Gammon Theological Seminary 5
King, Martin Luther, Sr., 1899-1984 5
McDonald, Dora E., 1925-2007 5
Morris Brown College 5
United States. Congress. Senate 5
American Missionary Association 4
Arrington, Marvin S. 4
Atlanta Urban League 4
Bunche, Ralph J. (Ralph Johnson), 1904-1971 4
Congress of Racial Equality 4
Eskridge, Chauncey, 1917-1988 4
Franklin, Shirley 4
Lewis, John, 1940-2020 4
Lomax, Michael 4
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 1908-1972 4
Rustin, Bayard, 1912-1987 4
United States. Congress. House 4
Williams, Hosea, 1926-2000 4
Adams, Myron W. (Myron Winslow), 1860-1939 3
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity 3
American Friends Service Committee 3
Atlanta (Ga.). City Council 3
Atlanta (Ga.). Police Dept 3
Atlanta Business League 3
Atlanta Community Relations Commission 3
Belafonte, Harry, 1927- 3
Brazeal, Brailsford R. 3
Busbee, George, 1927-2004 3
Carter, Jimmy, 1924- 3
Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam (U.S.) 3
Cummings, Arthur 3
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 1925-1990 3
Democratic National Committee (U.S.) 3
Democratic Party (Ga.) 3
Dobbs, John Wesley, 1882-1961 3
DuBois, W.E.B. (William Edward Burghardt), a. 3
Eaves, Reginald 3
Ebenezer Baptist Church (Atlanta, Ga.) 3
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) 3
Hope, John 3
Jackson, Valerie Richardson 3
Johnson, James Weldon 3
Lowery, Joseph E. 3
Methodist Church (U.S.) 3
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority 3
Miller, Zell 3
Morehouse School of Medicine 3
Nabrit, Samuel M. 3
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity 3
Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889-1979 3
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962 3
Southern Conference Educational Fund 3
Taylor, Gardner C. 3
Turpeau, Aaron 3
Underground Atlanta, Inc 3
United Methodist Church (U.S.) 3
United Negro College Fund 3
United States Conference of Mayors 3
Wachtel, Harry H., 1917-1997 3
Ware, Carl 3
William B. Hartsfield-Atlanta International Airport 3
Wofford, Harris 3
Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago 2
Atlanta (Ga.). Dept. of Finance 2
Atlanta (Ga.). Dept. of Law 2
Atlanta (Ga.). Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs 2
Atlanta (Ga.). Dept. of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Services 2
Atlanta Chamber of Commerce 2
Atlanta Life Insurance Company 2
Atlanta Regional Commission 2
Atlantans for Maynard Jackson 2
Baker, Josephine, 1906-1975 2
Bell, Eldrin 2
Bevel, James L. (James Luther), 1936-2008 2
Brazeal, Ernestine Erskine 2
Bumstead, Horace, 1841-1919 2
Campbell, Bill, 1953- 2
+ ∧ less
English 190
French 7
German 5
Spanish; Castilian 2
English 1